Work with your doctor to learn what screening tests and immunizations are right for you and when they are due. Then, complete them on schedule. Review your schedule by following the age-appropriate link on the left.
Keep Preventive Care Up to Date
Stay in tune with your body. Be aware of changes in your body. If you notice a change that is persistent or of concern, please contact your physician or care provider. Do not have a primary care doctor -- search for a PAMF doctor one now.
Know Your Body
Learn your Body Mass Index (BMI) to achieve and maintain healthy body weight. Strive to eat more foods that are high in calcium and fiber and low in saturated fat and trans fatty acids. That means plenty of fruits and vegetables! Talk to your doctor before taking calcium and other supplements.
Maintain a Healthy Diet
In The Haze Avoid smoking and inhaling others tobacco smoke. If you need support quitting, just ask your doctor.
Donāt Get Caught
Whether it takes household chores like vacuuming or a regular run, get your heart rate up to aerobic levels (220-your age) x 70%. Make it a goal to enjoy 30 minutes of exercise each day.
Get Up And Move
Complete an Advance Health Care Directive (AHCD) (link on the left), used to share your medical wishes with your family and caregivers in case a serious medical condition makes it impossible for you to do so. Talk to your doctor about how to record your personal choices using an Advance Directive.
Need help completing an AHCD? Stop by one of our Community Health Resource Centers where our trained staff and volunteers can print out an AHCD form and help answer any questions you might have.
Make Your Wishes Known
Reduce stress and make the most of each day! Find your balance in life between time competing priorities like work, home and fun. If you need help managing depression or mood changes or if you are abusing alcohol or drugs, seek your doctors help. PAMF Mindfulness Classes - to reduce stress.
Create Balance